
H. C. Lane Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The window was erected in memory of  H. C. Lane who was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School for 35 years.

Sunday, 25th, was a happy day to the Cowra congregation, when a long-desired event took place, in the unveiling of eight new windows in the church. Mrs. Hart, for herself and her sister, unveiled one in memory of their father, Mr. Fitzgerald, who was a foundation member of the Church. Miss A. S. Blazley, for herself and sisters, unveiled one in memory of their father and mother, also foundation members of the church. Mr. H. J. Kelly, S.S. superintendent, unveiled one in memory of the late Mr. C. Lane, who had been Sunday School superintendent for 35 years. A window donated by the Ladies' Church Aid, was unveiled by Mrs. W. E. Barker, and one donated by the Order of Knights was unveiled by the Knight Commander, Mr. Keith Doust. The other windows were contributed to by donations from the congregation, after which there was a balance in hand. Gifts of a jardinere from the Ladies' Church Aid, a brass flower vase from the Misses Blazley, and an oak palm-stand from the M.G.C., were dedicated to the glory of God in the use of the church. Rev. W. E. Barker conducted the service, suiting his sermon to the occasion. The choir rendered special music, which included the Te Deum.
Methodist (Sydney,), 7 April 1934. 


Address:153 Kendal Street, Cowra Uniting Church, Cowra, 2794
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.835295
Long: 148.694106
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Window
Monument Theme:People


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 25th March, 1934
Front Inscription

In Memory Of H C Lane Sunday School Super
Intendent For 35 Years Erected By Sunday School


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au