
Mrs M. WattsPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by John Huth

The plaque erected by the Red Cross Society in 1919 commemorates Mrs. M. Watts who died in 1919. 

On Thursday last week the final meeting of the Oaklands branch of Red Cross Society was held in the School of Arts, when there was a good attendance. The President. (Mrs S. Nixon) presented the following address;
" Ladies,-Since our last meeting another of our most loyal and patriotic workers has passed away in the person of Mrs M. Kilpatrick, our late Vice-President, who was always willing and eager to assist in matters pertaining to the general welfare of our gallant boys. We regret that God did not deem fit to spare her to learn from the lips of those she so nobly worked for the gladness and comfort she helped so largely to contribute to, as it is only since her demise that these facts have been brought home to us all so much. The sympathy from all of us is extended to the husband and members of the family in their hours of sadness. As you know, steps have been taken to show, in a tangible form, the respect we held for our late Vice-President and the late Mrs Watts by placing a font in the Church to their memory. We expect to instal in shortly as a mark of our esteem.

Urana Independent and Clear Hills Standard (NSW), 
14 November 1919.




Address:Rankin Street, Oaklands United Protestant Church, Oaklands, 2646
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.554918
Long: 146.165594
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1919
Front Inscription

Erected in loving memory of Mrs M. Watts

By members Oaklands Red Cross Society.


Source: H, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au