
Alderman Patrick LeahyPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Heather Stevens

The monument commemorates Patrick `Paddy` Leahy, Mosman`s first estate agent; council alderman from 1902 to 1909; and Mayor from 1905 to 1909.

It is a sandstone column and light occupying a prominent position on the corner of Myahgah Road and Military Road. It has carved floral motifs on the main shaft above marble inscription tablets and a marble bowl, all on stone pedestal. The memorial formerly incorporated a drinking fountain.

After he died his charitable works were remembered and this monument erected. The business he started remains in its original premises on the corner of Raglan Street and Military Road. Local historian and Alderman "Jack" Carroll has also been remembered on the monument, as also is Leahy`s widow Ellen for her charitable work.

The proposed memorial to the late Alderman Leahy will shortly be in evidence in the shape of a drinking fountain, which will be erected on a site close to Mosman Town Hall. At a meeting of subscribers it was resolved that the fountain be erected, by consent of the municipality, in Myahgah-road; that of the plans and sections drawn by the competitors, Mr. M'Intosh's be adopted, and that the fountain be erected at a cost of £150. The inscription is to be: "Erected to the memory of Alderman Leahy, as a public tribute of respect and esteem."
Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 28 September 1909.



Address:Myaghah Road , Civic Square, Mosman, 2088
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.824925
Long: 151.241177
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:People
Designer:Mr. McIntosh


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1909
Front Inscription

Erected to the memory of Alderman Patrick Leahy J.P.
Mayor of Mosman

As public tribute of respect and esteem



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au