
Tathra Memorial GardenPrint Page Print this page

WW2 Information Plaque
WW2 Information Plaque

Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams

The gardens visually showcase Tathra history with informational signs being erected by the Lions Club and plaques containing the names of Tathra residents. The gardens include an historical plaque detailing the role of Tathra headland during World War Two. The information plaque gives the history of the submarine attack off the Tathra coast which was sketched by Lorna Waterson a member of the Volunteer Air Observer Corp.

The Tathra Memorial Garden is a concept of Mrs Rosemary Brittliff who wanted somewhere for locals to be remembered as Tathra does not have a cemetery. 


Address:Bega Street, Tathra, 2550
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.726722
Long: 149.98965
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Garden
Monument Theme:Landscape


Front Inscription

Tathra Memorial Garden

This plaque commemorates the official opening of these memorial gardens by oOsemary Brittliff on behalf of the Tathra community

April 1997


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au