
Scottish PioneersPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The monument commemorates the Scottish pioneers and also marks their first burial ground. 

At the invitation of the Lord Mayor of Hobart (Mr.. J. J. Wignall), on Wednesday, representatives of the Presbyterian congregations of Hobart met the Reserves Committee of the City Council to take the necessary steps for the erection of a memorial to the Scotch pioneers of Tasmania in St. Andrew's Park, formerly the cemetery attached to the Church of St. Andrew's. The Rev. J. Heyer, the minister appointed by the Presbytery to deal with the question of a memorial to the pioneers said that it had long been felt that the memories of the Scotch pioneers should be preserved, and that in the negotiations with the City Council, when the cemetery was transferred to the control of the Corporation, the right had been retained to erect a suitable memorial. 

The Lord Mayor said he felt the people of Hobart and of Tasmania would support such an object if an appeal was launched. The movement would have the whole-hearted support of the Tasmanian Society. It would probably donate a memorial tablet or plaque to be placed on the monument.
The Mercury (Hobart), 28th August 1936.

The Governor (Sir Ernest Clark) yesterday unveiled a memorial to Scottish pioneers in the recently completed St. Andrew's Park. In the large gathering were the Bishop of Tasmania (Dr. R. S. Hay), the Lord Mayor of Hobart (Mr. J. J. Wignall) and prominent members of the Scottish Church. The park was formerly St. Andrew's Cemetery. which had not been used for some years.
Examiner (Launceston
), 17th May 1937.


Address:Church Street, St Andrew`s Park , Hobart, 7000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -42.877458
Long: 147.321201
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 16th May, 1937
Front Inscription

To the memory of the Scottish Pioneers and to mark their first burial ground



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au