
Pioneers of HarkawayPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The gates of the German cemetery commemorate the pioneers of Harkaway.

William Westgarth (1815 - 1889), a prominent Melbourne merchant, actively promoted German migration to Victoria, having observed the ‘industry, frugality, sobriety and general good conduct’ of Germans in South Australia. While on a visit to Europe during 1847/48 he travelled to Germany where he encouraged prospective emigrants to consider Melbourne as a destination.

While in London he persuaded the British Government to offer a bounty to assist them to travel here. As well as those Germans and Wends who settled at Westgarthtown, others who arrived from 1849-51 settled at Germantown (Grovedale) near Geelong, at Hawthorn, Richmond, Collingwood, Northcote, Brunswick, Mill Park and Greensborough, or dispersed about the Port Phillip District among the Anglo-Celtic population. In 1853, German settlements were also established at Doncaster, Harkaway and in the Western District near Hamilton.


Address:Hessel Road, Cemetery, Harkaway, 3806
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.006865
Long: 145.336284
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 14th May, 1962
Front Inscription

These gates were erected by the family of I. Wanke

In memory of the pioneers and their descendants who rest within

May 14th 1962

Source: MA,VMR
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au