
18 Squadron Netherlands East Indies - Royal Australian Air ForcePrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin

The plaque commemorates those who served with 18 Squadron Netherlands East Indies - Royal Australian Air Force in Pine Creek and Batchelor and members of the squadron who lost their lives during World War Two.

18 (NEI) Squadron was formed in Canberra on 4 April 1942. Although nominally made up of Dutch nationals, the Royal Australian Air Force supplied many co-pilots, air gunners, bombardiers, photographers, and ground staff. The United States provided supplies and equipment.

The squadron moved to Batchelor airfield in the Northern Territory between April and May 1943. Between November 1943 and March 1944 18 Squadron was ordered to prevent Japanese reinforcements reaching the north-east part of Papua and New Guinea.


Address:Millar Terrace, Pine Creek School, Pine Creek, 0847
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -13.821656
Long: 131.835927
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Conflict
Approx. Event Start Date:1942
Approx. Event End Date:1945


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 18th July, 1995
Front Inscription

This plaque is dedicated to the memory of those who served with 
18 Squadron Netherlands East Indies R.A.A.F. Forces in
Pine Creek and Batchelor in 1942 - 1945 and in particular to 
110 comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
                    "Lest We Forget"
Erected by the Royal Netherlands Embassy and 
the 18 Squadron NEI - RAAF Association
             Unveiled 18th July, 1995


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au