
Australian Destroyers - Fourth Destroyer FlotillaPrint Page Print this page

Plaque 2: 27-April-2016
Plaque 2: 27-April-2016

Photographs supplied by Peter Williams
The plaque commemorates Australian destroyers Quiberon and Quickmatch who served with the Fourth Destroyer Flotilla of the Royal Navy during World War Two. The plaque is located on a raised circular mount near the National Corvette Memorial.

HMAS Quiberon was a Q-class destroyer of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Although built for the Royal Navy and remaining British property until 1950, Quiberon was one of two Q-class destroyers commissioned into the RAN during World War Two. She was passed into full RAN ownership in 1950, and converted into an anti-submarine frigate.

HMAS Quickmatch was a Q-class destroyer operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Although commissioned into the RAN in 1942, the ship was initially the property of the Royal Navy. Quickmatchserved with both the British Eastern Fleet and British Pacific Fleet during World War Two. In the 1950s, the destroyer was converted into an anti-submarine frigate. 


Address:Garden Island Naval Base , Garden Island, 2011
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.859202
Long: 151.230693
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Conflict
Approx. Event Start Date:1942
Approx. Event End Date:1945


Front Inscription

Australian Destroyers

Fourth Destroyer Flotilla (Royal Navy)
H.M.A. Ships

Quiberon     Quickmatch

Battle Honours

Mediterranean 1942       English Channel 1942
North Africa 1942-43      Atlantic 1943
Atlantic 1943                  Sabang  1944
Okinawa 1945                Okinawa 1945
Japan 1945 

Steamed in many theatres of war on continuous service 1942 - 1945

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au