
Karuah War MemorialPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown / John Huth

The monument was erected by the residents of Karuah and their friends to commemorate those from the District who served in World War One. The monument is a sculptured figure of a lion on a granite base. 

Some time ago Mrs W. Longworth, of ''Glenroy," took in hand the task of raising funds for the erection of an Honor Roll to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers who left that district to fight in the great war, and on Saturday last, the success of her efforts was crowned by the unveiling of a beautiful memorial, erected on the reserve overlooking the river and bay, at that charming locality. The Roll of Honor comprises a solid block of granite, mounted on concrete foundations, and surmounted by a recumbent lion.

Mrs Longworth, in unveiling the Roll of Honor, in an eloquent address, paid a high tribute to the valor of the Australian soldiers, whose noble deeds would live as long as history was recorded, and she thanked the local committee and others who had labored to have the memorial erected.  The memorial was erected by the firm of Meldrum and Markey, Newcastle, and the hon. secretary to the committee was Miss Hagan, of Karuah. 
Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW),
24 December 1918. 


Address:Memorial Drive & Tarean Road, Karuah Memorial Park, Karuah, 2324
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.654342
Long: 151.967526
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Monument Manufacturer:Meldrum & Markey (Newcastle, NSW)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 21st December, 1918
Front Inscription

Erected by residents of Karuah and their friends               

In honour of the brave men who answered their country`s call and fought in the world`s Great War 1914 - 1918.

Back Inscription

For God and the Empire

[ Names ]

Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Right Side Inscription

This Roll of Honour was unveiled by Mrs W. Longworth on 21st Dec. 1918


Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au