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Woodford Memorial Stone : 31-07-2009
Woodford Memorial Stone : 31-07-2009

Photographs supplied by John Huth / Fred Brunings

The stone commemorates the servicemen and servicewomen from the Woodford District in whose memory the original Bush Nursing Cottage was erected on the site in 1927 after World War One.

The stone is now surrounded by plaques which commemorate those from the district who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

WOODFORD War Memorial.

The Memorial Committee having purchased the cottage property owned by Mr. G. Sunny and occupied by Mrs. P. Plummer has decided to call a public meeting of subscribers on September 8 to consider the proposal to erect a Memorial Bush Nursing Home in lieu of a cottage hospital, as was originally intended.
(The Brisbane Courier : 1-September 1922)


Address:D`Aguilar Highway, Woodford Memorial Park, Woodford, 4514
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -26.955954
Long: 152.778491
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Front Inscription

This plaque has been erected to honour the service men and women from the Woodford District

In whose memory the original Bush Nursing Cottage was built on this site in 1927.

Plaque :

This memorial is dedicated to all those men and women from Woodford and District who have served our country in all wars and conflicts.

The memorial is in recognition and appreciation of their sacrifice particularly those who have made the supreme sacrifice.

Lest We Forget

Source: MA,QWMR
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au