
Memorial WalkwayPrint Page Print this page

Memorial Walk : 23-04-2014
Memorial Walk : 23-04-2014

Photographs supplied by Kent Watson / Graeme Saunders / Sandra Brown

The Memorial Walkway commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.  The walkway runs between the Kyabram District Memorial Community Hospital in Fenaughty St, to the memorial gates in Allan St (directly opposite the Kyabram Memorial Gardens where the war memorial is located).


Address:Allan Street, Kyabram, 3620
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.313567
Long: 145.042531
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict


Left Side Inscription

Plaque 1 :

In memory of Kyabram & District Boer War Veterans 1898 - 1902

Plaque 2 :

World War II 1939 - 1945 

In thanksgiving for peace and in memory of those who paid the supreme sacrifice

The residents of Kyabram and District subscribed the sum of £20,000 for the purpose of erecting a War Memorial Hospital

Plaque 3 :

Unveiled by Mrs Mary Bowman August 15th, 1995

Plaque 4 :

Kyabram R&SL Sub-Branch 

This plaque commemorates the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II and the memory of the men and women who served.

'Lest We Forget'

Plaque 5 :

In memory of those service men and women from Kyabram and District who served in Vietnam War 1962 - 1973


Right Side Inscription

Plaque 1 :

Unveiled by Cr. Chris Salter Mayor of Kyabram 25th April 1989

Plaque 2 :

In memory of those service men and women from Kyabram and District who served in the Korean War 1950-1953 and those who served in South-East Asia

Plaque 3 :

Unveiled by His Excellency General Sir R. A. Dallas Brooks K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., K.St.J. Governor of Victoria  Kyabram October 4th 1952

Plaque 4 :

They Died On Service

[ Names ]

World War II 1939 - 1945


Source: MA,RSLV
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au