
Yungaburra MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Yungaburra Memorial : 06-07-2013
Yungaburra Memorial : 06-07-2013

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson

Yungaburra Memorial commemorates Australian servicemen and women who have served in all wars and conflicts. The columns represent the four Services - Navy, Army, Airforce and Women's Services (nurses, etc) The columns are a symbol of strength. They are grouped around what they are meant to protect. The fragmentation on top of the columns symbolise pain and hurt. The centrepiece is for the innocent caught up in war. It is a memorial to them.


Address:Barrine Road, Yungaburra Memorial Park , Yungaburra , 4884
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -17.268442
Long: 145.587892
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Hans Pehl


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 11th November, 2006
Front Inscription

The Ode

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."  

Lest We Forget

Left Side Inscription


Back Inscription


Right Side Inscription

The Importance of War Memorials in Our Age

War memorials not only commemorate but also educate.

In the past War Memorials have been places where relatives of past Service men and women could to to talk to or connect with the ones they have lost. A name could be seen and touched acting as a marker for the resting place, especially for those who were lost or missing in action.

Today, the role of the memorial is changing. There are fewer service personnel that have seen active duty and fewer surviving relatives of those who fought in the earlier wars. The memorial now acts to remind and educate those new generations who haven't experienced war.

In the past the memorial was spoken to; now it has to speak to us.

Inscription in Proximity

The columns represent the four Services - Navy, Army, Airforce and Women's Services (nurses, etc)

The columns are a symbol of strength. They are grouped around what they are meant to protect.

The fragmentation on top of the columns symbolise pain and hurt.

The centrepiece is for the innocent caught up in war. It is a memorial to them.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au