
Centenary of the Beaudesert Shire TramwayPrint Page Print this page

Tabooba sign: 23-October-2016
Tabooba sign: 23-October-2016

Photographs supplied by Timothy Ney

The plaque commemorates the centenary of the official opening of the Beaudesert Shire Tramway at the Tabooba Tramway Station in 1903 and is in appreciation of former tramway employees. A nearby plaque gives details of the Tabooba Station and staff. 

The Beaudesert Shire Tramway was a narrow gauge tramway which operated from Beaudesert to Lamington and Rathdowney in Queensland. It was one of 15 light railways built and operated by Divisional Boards and Shire Councils in Queensland.

The Tabragalba Divisional Board, predecessor of the Beaudesert Shire, proposed the construction of the Tramway in 1899. Approval was granted on 23 October 1901 and the Beaudesert Tramway Committee was formed on 3 March 1902.

The Tramway opened from Beaudesert to Innisplain and Lilybank on 10 October 1903 with Sir Herbert Chermside, Governor of Queensland, officiating at the opening ceremony at Tabooba Junction.

The line was extended to Lamington in October 1910. A branch line from Tabooba to Rathdowney was opened in March 1911. The total cost of construction was £92,770.

The tramway closed in 1944 when road transport became more cost efficient.



Address:Tamrookum Church Road, Tabooba Tramway Station, Tabooba, 4285
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -28.123547
Long: 152.946699
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Government
Actual Event Start Date:10-October- 1903
Actual Event End Date:11-October-2003


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 11th October, 2003
Front Inscription

Shire of Beaudesert

This plaque commemorates the centenary of the official opening of the Beaudesert Shire Tramway

"In appreciation of former Tramway employees" 

Old Tabooba Station
October 10, 1903 - October 11, 2003

Proudly supported by the Beaudesert Shire Council and the Historical Society of Beaudesert
Cr. R. W. Munn  Mayor
G. W. Day           Chief Executive Officer

Inscription in Proximity

Beaudesert Tramway 1903 - 1944

Site of Tabooba Junction
Staff were housed here. Locomotive serviced with water and coal and maintenance carried  out.
Passenger service provided. 
Agency for Post Office

Pat Shelley        - Driver.
Joe Messinbird - Fireman, later Driver.
Don Hamilton    - Guard.
Jim Ward            - Fireman.
Mrs. Messinbird - First Station Mistress.
Cec Boody          - Station Master 

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au