
Bogan Gate War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

09-September-1922 : Unveiling (State Library of New South Wales)
09-September-1922 : Unveiling (State Library of New South Wales)

Photographs supplied by Glen Yeomans / Sandra Brown / John Huth

The clock tower commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. It was originally erected to commemorate those who served in World War One. Among the list of names is Flight Sergeant Rawdon Hume Middleton who won the Victoria Cross in 1942 in Italy during World War Two.

Funding was received in 2002 to restore the clock which had not worked for seventy years. 

It was soon apparent to those who approached Bogan Gate township on Saturday last that an event of no small importance was to take place that day. From side to side of the streets strings of bunting waved in the breeze, and every flagpole bore the flag of the Empire or our own representation of it, the "Jack" with the stars emblematic of the land we are so proud to possess. Here and there the flags of our Allies were to be seen. Their part in the great war was not forgotten. From every direction motor cars, buggies, sulkies and other vehicles, with full complement of passengers streamed into the town, and all concentrated on one central spot; and there the reason of the unusual stir was explained. It was a fine soldiers memorial, still flag-covered, waiting to unveiled. Bogan Gate is to be congratulated on a beautiful, and it may be said, unique monument of remembrance of the brave departed, and record of appreciation of their returned soldiers.

On a pedestal of rough hewn granite is erected a graceful tower of sandstone the summit converges with artistic curse (sic) to a point and is there surmounted by a sphere and a lightning conductor which has been so arranged as to add to, rather than detract from, the appearance. A four dial electric clock of bronze ornaments, as well contributes a useful feature to the monument. This clock is controlled from the Commercial Bank opposite, where the battery and also the pilot clock are placed. A fine suspending lamp, having air gas as an illuminant, provided by the Goobang Shire Council, is held in position by a metal arm just above the clock. On the sides of the monument are marble panels on which are engraved the names of local soldiers who enlisted, and a separate list of those who fell in the war. We must say that a most happy result has been attained in combining the above features, and there is nothing that is not thoroughly in keeping with the symmetry and artistry of the whole. 
Western Champion (Parkes, NSW),  14 September 1922.



Address:Lachlan & Hutton Streets, Bogan Gate, 2876
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.106625
Long: 147.802873
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Clock
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 9th September, 1922
Front Inscription

Roll of Honour
[ Names ]

Left Side Inscription


Roll of Honour
[ Names ]

Back Inscription

[ Names ]

[ Names ]

Died on active service
[ Names ]

Boer War Servicemen
[ Names ]

Killed in action or died of wounds
[ Names ]

Bogan Gate War Memorial

Residents of Bogan Gate and District built this war memorial to honour those who fought and died for us.  

The monument was dedicated on September 9th 1922, by Goobang Shire President, Mr John Whitmill.

During 2002, the Bogan Gate Memorial Hall Committee commenced a project to restore the monument clock which had  not worked for approximately 70 years.  

The project was funded by the Federal Government  Commemorative Grant Program, titled "Their Service Our Heritage"  and local donations.

This plaque was unveiled by Federal Member for Parkes Mr John Cobb MP, ANZAC Day 2004, to celebrate completion of the clock restoration project.

Right Side Inscription

Bogan Gate
Honour Roll
World War II
1939 - 1945
[ Names ]

Roll of Honour
[ Names ]

[ Names ]

Source: MA,SKP, NRWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au